
God also said: See I give you every seed-bearing plant on all the earth and every tree that has seed-bearing fruit on it to be your food; and to all the wild animals, all the birds of the air, and all the living creatures that crawl on the earth, I give all the green plants for food. And so it happened. God looked at everything He had made, and found it very good.
— Genesis 1:29-31 (NABRE)

Hi, I’m Keri. Welcome to my kitchen and garden journal! The abundance of seasonal produce from my backyard garden as well as local farmers’ markets provide constant inspiration for the meals that I enjoy most. I love colorful meals with lots of vegetables that are rounded out by a diverse pantry of grains, beans, nuts, seeds, and spices from around the globe.

The kitchen and garden are sacred spaces for me to connect with the earth, with myself, and with others. I relish the whole experience of creating meals – searching my garden and CSA box for ideas, dismantling each vegetable in its own particular way, smelling spices that transport my imagination to other places on the planet, learning from other cooks, confidently setting my creativity free, nourishing myself and those I love.

As a breast cancer survivor, I keep in mind the link between food and health. One of my mottos in the kitchen is “even more vegetables!” The more vibrant and colorful and fresh a meal is, the more nutrients it holds. That said, I do not and will not adhere to any “diet” or “lifestyle” nor will I ever suggest that you should either. I want to enjoy the great diversity of foods in this world while staying in tune with my body and what it needs.

I lost my sense of taste while undergoing chemotherapy. As I slowly gained it back, I found a deep gratitude for something that I had mostly taken for granted. The kitchen and garden are brimming with textures, colors, scents, and tastes to enjoy if we would only slow down for a moment to notice and appreciate them. I have found the simple acts of letting my hands take in the soft sensation of a borage leaf or inhaling the warm aromatic scent of freshly cut ginger to be incredibly healing.

Thank you for joining me here. I hope to share my energy and inspiration with you!

If you’d like to reach me to share your experiences or ask a question, please message me below: